Sunday, 3 October 2010


Welcome to my Blog.

Unfortunately I missed the opportunity to write a blog of my first build, but here's the highlights.

2005, After looking at all the other kit manufacturers, I bought an MNR RT+ kit with an R1. I was sold after being taken out by Marc at Brands.
I did originally want a duratec powered car, but after experiencing a bike powered car, I was sold on it.

2006 Car was SVA'd

2006-2010 lots of shows and trackdays.

2010, I decided I wanted more than just trackdays, so decided to sell the car, and build a new car to go racing in the 750mc RGB series.

This is the last picture of my old car at it's new home :-(

So with a bundle of notes in my pocket, I started looking at what kit I should build for racing.

I could have gone with a tried and tested Fury based car, but with the experience I'd had with MNR and my belief that their chassis/setup works well, I decided to stick with them.

After discussing with Chris and Marc, we agreed a package and did a deal :-)

The only change I made, after my initial decision, was on the engine. I originally wanted an 08 R1, but following many failures in the field (thanks to Andy Bates for bringing it to my attention), I decided to go with the 08 CBR1000.

So final package:

MNR RT+ Chassis with full cage
08 CBR1000
Willwood Brakes
13" ProRace 1.2 wheels
DigiDash 2 Pro+
Plus all the rest of the bits to make it work....

So on the 27th September I took my trailer up to Harrogate to pick up my new project from MNR.

Chassis safe and sound in new home.

 I've now got a week off work to get as much done as possible, as I've got a deadline of Christmas to get it finished. This should give me a few months to get the car set up and ready for the start of the season.

So watch this space, I'll try to keep it updated at every step.

Cheers, Steve.

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